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About This Website...关于这个网站


This website is a tool for you and your child learning Chinese at home.



You will find what we are doing for reading and writing under the tab of Readers/Writer's Workshop. I will keep a blog so that you have a clear idea about our reading and writing curriculum. 



Word Study is all about Chinses foundation. You can find Pinyin Book and MZ Chinese there.  We will spend at least two periods studying Chinese Book every week. I will send home text sheet as needed.




The sentence that will occur in the weekly quiz will be posted under the tab Homework. Therefore, please help your child learn Chinese at home. Learning language requires efforts every day.



You will find various Chinese learning resources under the teb of Resource. It will be great if you want to share the useful resources with me, and I will post them there, too. 



Last but not the least, I will post impressive students' work under the tab of Our Masterpiece. Check out your child's work and celebrate his/her Chinese learing!



Thank you for your cooperation! I'm looking forward a great school year!!




Ms. Xie 谢老师



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